Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Lesson Ten: Gender and Sexuality

Sex consists of two biologically distinct categories, being male and female. This photo of Sage and Michael represents the two sexes, male and female.

Gender refers to the physical, behavioral and personailty traits that a group considers normal or average for its male or female members. This photo shows me and my old co-workers being extremely feminine; all of us wearing dresses and posing, all things considered feminine behavior.

 Gender role socialization is a lifelong process of learning to be like your gender, masculine or feminine. This mother is teaching her daughter how to be feminine by dressing her up in pink and putting bows in her hair.

 The media generates highly stereotypical gender roles. The television broadcasts programs for men and women specifically and also acts as an agent of socializtion.

Feminism is the belief in the social, political and economic equality of the sexes. This photo is of Haley, she is an incredibly strong young woman who is also a feminist.

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