Monday, April 25, 2011

Lesson Nine: Race and Ethnicity

Race is a socially defined category. It is based on real or percieved biolgical differences between different groups of people. This photo shows three young black males. Biologically the pigment of their skin is a different color therefore they are classified as a certain race.

A minority group consists of a social group that is systematically denied the same resources available to other social groups in society. Unfortunately some Hispanic Americans will not have the same oppurtunities as other dominant social groups because of the way they are percieved by other groups, giving them an unfair disadvantage and staggered start.

Racism is a set of beliefs about the superiority or unsuperiority of one racial or ethnic group. This jewelery box could be considered racist because it is portraying all asians to wear kimonos and eating sushi. Therefore making it seem as if asians only wear kimonos and only eat sushi.

Discrimination is the unequal treatment of certain individuals because of the social or ethnic group that they belong to. Here are two seperate and unequal water fountains, the taller and more clean fountain is for whites and the small, dirty fountain is for people of "color".

The invisible knapsack is a metaphor for people who are born with unearned resources that they carry around with them. Since Sally was born into a middle class family she has an invisible knapsack where ever she goes.

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