Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Lesson Five: Self and Social Interaction

The looking-glass self is the idea that the self develops through what we think others think of us. In this photo Sally, Kate and I are contemplating what the other two are thinking of each other.
Play is the fist stage of the development of the self, it includes one person and one significant other. This photo shows Kate and I playing paddy cake together and learning how to interact with others.
Game is the second stage in the development of the self, it involves several significant others interacting together. This photo shows a loving family playing badminton together and interacting in the game stage.
Generalized other is the third stage of the development of the self in which a whole community of attitudes interact with each other. Seen here is my high school graduation where the senior class interacted together to celebrate finishing a chapter in our lives.
Erving Goffman believed that dramaturgy was a type of social interaction related to the theater, where individuals act out roles to present themselves as a favorable person to the audience. This photo is a literal meaning of dramaturgy, showing the High Street theater where plays are performed by actors.

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