Thursday, April 14, 2011

Lesson Two: Theories and Theorists

A survey is a test given to a common group of people (students, shoppers, etc.) with a series of yes, no or sometimes questions in order to gain anonymous opinions. Sally is taking a survey about being a student, the questions are as follows; are you taking night classes? Are you overwhelmed with your course schedule?

Survival of the fittest is the evolution of species over time to better suit their environment. In this photo Jon and Jacob have evolved and beat Kate in the game of life, they have become dominant and the species of Kate will be forever extinct.

Mechanical solidarity is the bond between pre-modern societies where cohesion is kept by everyone having a specific job and shared traditions, such as the Amish.
Organic solidarity is based upon division of labor and independence that hold together industrialized societies. This photo shows the city of Moorpark which is held together by independence among it's inhabitants.
When one wears an iron cloak they become able to make rational decisions. The cloak is able to be removed when rational thought is not necessary. This picture shows Barbie wearing her iron cloak to the Jeep dealership where she can make a rational decision about what color Jeep to purchase.

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